How to set up Brother MFC-6490CW as a shared printer Sep 16th, 2017   [viewed 18 times]

When you add a shared printer to a wireless network, this enables people in the network range use the printer for printing documents, images and photos. Brother is a printer brand acclaimed for offering feature-laden products in its range. An all-in-one printer, Brother MFC-6490CW is enabled with a built in wireless print server. If you are working with this printer, there is no need to connect it to a network with a computer or purchase an external adapter for this purpose. Rather, you can add the device as a shared printer to a network. For this, you can call Brother number to avail professional guidance for the same. Alternatively, you can change the wireless settings of the printer with the following steps:


  • Install the network software using the installation disk that came with the printer. Insert the disk in the computer drive and follow on-screen instructions for installing the BRAdmin Light software
  • Access ‘Start’ menu and then click ‘All Programs’. Then navigate to ‘Brother’ followed by clicking the icon for ‘BRAdmin Light’. From the list of detected devices, double click on ‘Brother MFC-6490CW’
  • Press ‘Menu’ button on the control panel of the printer. Navigate to ‘Print Reports’ using the down arrow key and then tap ‘OK’ button. Scroll down to ‘Network Config’ and again press ‘OK’
  • Tap ‘Black Start’ for printing network configuration page which lists the IP address of the printer. Now return to ‘BRAdmin Light’ window and click the radio button which is labeled as ‘Static’
  • In the ‘IP Address’ text box, type in the IP address shown on the report page, followed by selecting ‘OK’. Again return to the control panel of the printer and reach ‘Network’. Then press ‘OK’
  • Scroll to the option of ‘WLAN’ and press ‘OK’. Now navigate to ‘TCP/IP’ and ‘Boot Method’. After this, choose ‘Static’ followed by ‘OK’
  • Access any one of the computers which are connected to the wireless network. Then open its ‘Start’ menu and click on ‘Network’. Then click ‘Add a Printer’ and select ‘Add a network printer’. Follow the instructions given on screen for adding the Brother printer to the list of available printers on the network.


While doing so, you may not get the printer name on the BRAdmin Light window and it may be listed as an Unconfigured Device instead. In case your network is a wired one, you will have to plug an Ethernet cable to the port at the printer’s back. The other end of the cable is to be connected to one of the ports of the router. Then the software has to be set up as usual, the only difference being that you have to choose ‘Wired’ (and not ‘WLAN’) in the ‘Network’ of the control panel of the printer.

In case you are unable to set up Brother MFC-6490CW as a shared printer with these steps, it would be best to get professional support by calling brother customer service. The number connects you with certified technicians who are available round the clock to help you resolve all the issues related to various models of Brother Printers.


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