How to Resolve Cox SMTP Server Not Working Issue? Sep 13th, 2019   [viewed 18 times]

If you are a Cox Email user and want to send message from Cox, then you need to configure the SMTP server settings. At times, few issues related to Cox SMTP server arise that creates trouble in sending message to other email clients. The Cox SMTP server not working issue is quite common and it can be resolved easily by configuring the settings of the SMTP server to the recommended settings. Here, you will learn how to resolve Cox SMTP Server not working issue. In case of any query or issue, you can contact Cox Customer Service.

Causes of the Cox SMTP Server Not Working Issue

There can be several reasons behind the SMTP server issue, such as: -

  • Incorrect entries in the server name or port number.
  • Wrong username or password in the SMTP settings.
  • Issue with the settings of the Cox SMTP server.
  • Disturbance in the server settings due to firewall or antivirus.
  • Issues at the service provider end.

Steps to Fix the Cox SMTP Server Not Working Issue

Whatever is the reason behind Cox SMTP server not working, it won’t be possible for you to send messages through the Cox email on other email clients such as Outlook. Below, correct SMTP server settings are mentioned that users should enter in order to use Cox through the SMTP protocol.

  • Your Name: - Enter your full name.
  • Email Address: - Enter your Cox email address.
  • Username: - Your Username is the first part of your Cox email address. For example if your Cox email address is Then your username is xyz.
  • Password: - Enter your Cox Email Password.
  • Account Type: - IMAP
  • Incoming Mail settings: - The incoming mail settings should be as follows:
  1. Server Name: -
  2. Port Number: - 993 with SSL enabled. The authentication box should also be enabled.
  • Outgoing Mail settings: - The outgoing mail settings should be as follows:
  1. Server Name: -
  2. Port: 587 with TLS enabled or 465 with SSL enabled. The authentication box should be checked.
  • Use SSL/ TLS: - Yes

After using the settings mentioned above, your Cox SMTP server should work smoothly. In case, if you still have any other problem, then call on Cox Email Help Number at